Julio Cesar
Museos Vaticanos
domingo, 30 de julio de 2017
sábado, 29 de julio de 2017
martes, 25 de julio de 2017
Bronze mirror
Bronze mirror, one side partly corroded, with separate tang in the same metal fixed by two circular pins at the point of attachment to the handle, now missing. In Egypt mirrors have been found most often in tombs of women, though they are sometimes found in burials of men of high status.
Inventory number
New Kingdom
The Tomb of Prince Montuherkhepeshef - KV19
The Tomb of Prince Montuherkhepeshef - KV19
Tomb KV19 of the Valley of the Kings dates from the end of Dynasty XX. This belongs to one of the sons of Ramesses IX, prince Montuherkhepeshef or Ramesses-Montuherkhepeshef ("Montu is above his powerful arm"), the prince and heir who died before he could reach the throne.
It was not originally intended for this burial, but initially planned for another prince, Ramesses-Setherkhepeshef, who would ascend to the throne under the name of Ramesses VIII; the tomb of this last has never been found.
The tomb was discovered in 1817 by Belzoni, and had an unspecified number of intrusive burials, probably dating up to Dynasty XXII. The prince's mummy has not been found.
KV19 is close to the end of a wadi of the east valley, clearly overhanging the base of the valley. It was dug in a rocky promontory situated between KV20 and KV43 (see gm-34). Oriented according to a north-east/south-west axis, the monument consists of a sloping approach to the entrance, followed of a sloping first corridor and, after another doorway, by the rough beginnings of a second corridor or chamber. The floor of this second corridor is pierced by a funerary shaft which was probably intended to received the prince's remains. Work in the tomb had then been abandoned.
lunes, 24 de julio de 2017
Middle Kingdom Egypt by Adela Oppenheim (Author), Dorothea Arnold (Author), Dieter Arnold (Author), Kei Yamamoto (Author)
Middle Kingdom Egypt
by Adela Oppenheim (Author), Dorothea Arnold (Author), Dieter Arnold (Author), Kei Yamamoto (Author)
The Middle Kingdom (ca. 2030-1700 B.C.), the second great era of ancient Egyptian culture, was a transformational period during which the artistic conventions, cultural principles, religious beliefs, and political systems formed during earlier dynasties were developed and reimagined. This comprehensive volume presents a detailed picture of the art and culture of the Middle Kingdom, arguably the least known of Egypt's three kingdoms yet a time of remarkable prosperity and unprecedented change. International specialists present new insights into how Middle Kingdom artists refined existing forms and iconography to make strikingly original architecture, statuary, tomb and temple relief decoration, and stele. Thematic sections explore art produced for different strata of Egyptian society, including the pharaoh, royal women, the elite, and the family, while other chapters provide insight into Egypt's expanding relations with foreign lands and the themes of Middle Kingdom literature. More than 250 objects from major collections around the world are sumptuously illustrated, many with new photography undertaken specifically for this catalogue. This fascinating publication is a much-needed contribution to understanding ancient Egypt's art and culture, and shows how the Middle Kingdom served as the bridge between the monumentality of the pre-vious centuries and the opulent splendor of later years
- Hardcover: 400 pages
- Publisher: Yale University Press (11 Sept. 2015)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1588395642
- ISBN-13: 978-1588395641
- Product Dimensions: 24.6 x 3 x 31.2 cm
The Unknown Tutankhamun
The Unknown Tutankhamun (Bloomsbury Egyptology) Paperback – 17 Dec 2015
by Marianne Eaton-Krauss (Author)
The reign of Tutankhamun was of major significance in the history of ancient Egypt. Following Howard Carters discovery of the kings tomb in 1922, the story of the boy who became Pharaoh, died young and was buried in splendor at the height of Egyptian civilization captivated generations. But there exists a wide discrepancy between that saga and what scholarship has discovered in the last few decades about Tutankhamuns reign. A truer story is revealed, not by objects from his tomb, but by statuary, reliefs, paintings, and architecture from outside the Valley of the Kings. Marianne Eaton-Krauss, a leading authority on the boy king and the Amarna Period, guides readers through the recent findings of international research and the relevant documentation from a wide variety of sources, to create an accessible and comprehensive biography. Tracing Tutankhamuns life from birth to burial, she analyzes his parentage, his childhood as Prince Tutankhaten, his accession and change of name to Tutankhamun, his role in the restoration of the traditional cults and his own building projects, his death and burial, and the attitudes of his immediate successors to his reign. Illustrated with color and black-and-white images, the book includes extensive endnotes and selected bibliography, which will make it essential reading for students and scholars as well as anyone interested in Tutankhamun
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic (17 Dec. 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 147257561X
ISBN-13: 978-1472575616
Product Dimensions: 17.9 x 1 x 24 cm
The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings
The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings (Oxford Handbooks) Hardcover – 11 Feb 2016
by Richard H. Wilkinson (Editor), Kent Weeks (Editor)
The royal necropolis of New Kingdom Egypt, known as the Valley of the Kings (KV), is one of the most important―and celebrated―archaeological sites in the world. Located on the west bank of the Nile river, about three miles west of modern Luxor, the valley is home to more than sixty tombs, all dating to the second millennium BCE. The most famous of these is the tomb of Tutankhamun, first discovered by Howard Carter in 1922. Other famous pharaoh's interred here include Hatshepsut, the only queen found in the valley, and Ramesses II, ancient Egypt's greatest ruler. Much has transpired in the study and exploration of the Valley of the Kings over the last few years. Several major discoveries have been made, notably the many-chambered KV5 (tomb of the sons of Ramesses II) and KV 63, a previously unknown tomb found in the heart of the valley. Many areas of the royal valley have been explored for the first time using new technologies, revealing ancient huts, shrines, and stelae. New studies of the DNA, filiation, cranio-facial reconstructions, and other aspects of the royal mummies have produced important and sometimes controversial results.
The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings provides an up-to-date and thorough reference designed to fill a very real gap in the literature of Egyptology. It will be an invaluable resource for scholars, teachers, and researchers with an interest in this key area of Egyptian archaeology. First, introductory chapters locate the Valley of the Kings in space and time. Subsequent chapters offer focused examinations of individual tombs: their construction, content, development, and significance. Finally, the book discusses the current status of ongoing issues of preservation and archaeology, such as conservation, tourism, and site management. In addition to recent work mentioned above, aerial imaging, remote sensing, studies of the tombs' architectural and decorative symbolism, problems of conservation site management, and studies of KV-related temples are just some of the aspects not covered in any other work on the Valley of the Kings. This volume promises to become the primary scholarly reference work on this important World Heritage Site.
The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings provides an up-to-date and thorough reference designed to fill a very real gap in the literature of Egyptology. It will be an invaluable resource for scholars, teachers, and researchers with an interest in this key area of Egyptian archaeology. First, introductory chapters locate the Valley of the Kings in space and time. Subsequent chapters offer focused examinations of individual tombs: their construction, content, development, and significance. Finally, the book discusses the current status of ongoing issues of preservation and archaeology, such as conservation, tourism, and site management. In addition to recent work mentioned above, aerial imaging, remote sensing, studies of the tombs' architectural and decorative symbolism, problems of conservation site management, and studies of KV-related temples are just some of the aspects not covered in any other work on the Valley of the Kings. This volume promises to become the primary scholarly reference work on this important World Heritage Site.
- Hardcover: 648 pages
- Publisher: OUP USA (11 Feb. 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0199931631
- ISBN-13: 978-0199931637
- Product Dimensions: 25.1 x 4.1 x 18.3 cm
Ostraka Deir el Medina
Deir el-Medina ostraca: a selection of economic records
wood supply for the king's tomb
back and right
Petrie Museum
domingo, 16 de julio de 2017
A sacrificial ox
A sacrificial ox, which is lying a reed mat, is being dismembered by two men. The artist would appear to have made a very strange error: if the ox is lying on the mat, then the lower part of their legs should not appear in front of it, from behind the animal (see more-detail-cd). A third man is shown offering to Nakht a dish with two white cones of fat, presumably made from the animal being dismembered
TT52, the tomb of Nakht and his wife, Tawy
The tomb complex is located in the Theban necropolis, a genuine "city of the dead", which lies on the western side of the Nile valley, about three miles from the river, opposite modern day Luxor and the Karnak temple complex. It is situated towards the foot of the slope of the northern part of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, between the south-east corner of the Upper Enclosure and the south-west corner of the Lower Enclosure (see the plan below). Located in this hillside and plane are today about 210 decorated tomb complexes, more than half of which date to the 18th dynasty, with the remainder mainly dating from the 19th and early 20th dynasty. In antiquity there were probably about twice this number, half of which have been lost or destroyed. Approximately 50 tombs remain which were decorated during the reigns of Thutmosis IV and Amenhotep III. It is located fairly close to tomb TT38 (Djeserkareseneb) and tomb TT69 (Menna). These two tombs share many of the same decorative features.
TT52, the tomb of Nakht
and his wife, Tawy 
Statuette d'Isis
Statuette d'Isis allaitant découverte dans le naos de la chapelle d'Osiris Neb-neheh (Cl. J.-Fr. Gout/IFAO-CFEETK
La voie dallée et les chapelles osiriennes nord de Karnak.
La voie dallée et les chapelles osiriennes nord de Karnak. (Cl. L. Coulon).
Hawara mummy portraits
Hawara mummy portraits
The mummy portrait panels in this case were found by Flinders Petrie at Hawara in 1888-9 and 1910-11. They date from the period of Roman rule over Egypt.
Hawara became especially important in the Roman period and seems to have functioned as the elite burial ground for people of the Fayum, an area between the main Nile Valley and the desert oases.
These painted panels are an important historical and artistic record. They illustrate the application of Greco-Roman art to Egyptian burial customs at the beginning of the first millennium. They appear to be naturalistic in style and be a portrait of an individual, while acting as part of the funerary equipment needed for entry into the afterlife. The panels would have covered the face of a mummy.
The image of a young man on UC19610 dates to AD 140-160 – the style of the hair and beard indicates this period – and was nicknamed by Petrie the 'Red Youth' due to the reddish-brown skin tones of the sitter. Petrie often named the images of the panels he found and wrote short character sketches.
The portrait panels have been cut out of their wrappings and are displayed here separately from the physical context in which they were found. When Petrie first exhibited these panels in London in 1889, he framed many like a European art work.
This may affect how we look at these objects today. Not all panels were removed from their wrappings or mummies. The British Museum and Manchester Museum, for example, display mummies which still have these panels over their face.
https://www.ucl.ac.uk/culture/petrie-museum/hawara-mummy-portraits Ver más
The mummy portrait panels in this case were found by Flinders Petrie at Hawara in 1888-9 and 1910-11. They date from the period of Roman rule over Egypt.
Hawara became especially important in the Roman period and seems to have functioned as the elite burial ground for people of the Fayum, an area between the main Nile Valley and the desert oases.
These painted panels are an important historical and artistic record. They illustrate the application of Greco-Roman art to Egyptian burial customs at the beginning of the first millennium. They appear to be naturalistic in style and be a portrait of an individual, while acting as part of the funerary equipment needed for entry into the afterlife. The panels would have covered the face of a mummy.
The image of a young man on UC19610 dates to AD 140-160 – the style of the hair and beard indicates this period – and was nicknamed by Petrie the 'Red Youth' due to the reddish-brown skin tones of the sitter. Petrie often named the images of the panels he found and wrote short character sketches.
The portrait panels have been cut out of their wrappings and are displayed here separately from the physical context in which they were found. When Petrie first exhibited these panels in London in 1889, he framed many like a European art work.
This may affect how we look at these objects today. Not all panels were removed from their wrappings or mummies. The British Museum and Manchester Museum, for example, display mummies which still have these panels over their face.
sábado, 8 de julio de 2017
Necklace in Gold Filagree of Queen Tausret
Necklace in Gold Filagree of Queen Tausret
Period:New Kingdom, RamessideDynasty:Dynasty 19Date:ca. 1200–1186 B.C.Geography:From Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes, Valley of the Kings, Tomb KV 56 ("The Gold Tomb"), Davis/Ayrton excavations 1908Medium:GoldDimensions:l. 58 cm (24 in); h. of cornflowers 2.6 cm (7/8 in); w. of umbel .55 cm; diam. of ball bead 0.6-0.8 cmCredit Line:Theodore M. Davis Collection, Bequest of Theodore M. Davis, 1915 Purchase, Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1926 (26.7.1346, .1348)Accession Number:30.8.66
Met Museum
The cornflower and ball beads in this necklace were made by soldering wire rings of several different diameters into the desired forms. The piece is an early example of the technique known as filagree. Discovered with a cache of jewelry in the Valley of the Kings, the necklace is thought to have belonged to Tawosret, wife of the Seti II and regent for her husband's successor Siptah. Tawosret, who reigned Egypt in her own right for several years at the end of Dynasty 19, was one of the few female rulers of Egypt, the most famous of whom are Hatshepsut and Cleopatra VII.
Drinking Cup
Drinking Cup
Period:New KingdomDynasty:Dynasty 18Reign:reign of Thutmose IIIDate:ca. 1479–1425 B.C.Geography:From Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes, Wadi Gabbanat el-Qurud, Wadi D, Tomb of the 3 Foreign Wives of Thutmose IIIMedium:Glassy faience, goldDimensions:h. 10.2 cm (4 in); diam. 7 cm (2 3/4 in)Credit Line:Purchase, Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1926Accession Number:26.7.1175
Met Museum
This jar was probably imported from western Asia and may have been brought to Egypt by one of the foreign wives of Thutmose III as part of her dowry. The form, which has a button-shaped base now masked by gold leaf over plaster restoration, has a long history in Mesopotamia. Fragments of glassy faience vessels with a similar variegated pattern have been found at the site of Nuzi (modern Yorgan Tepe, Iraq), which flourished in the kingdom of Mitanni during the fifteenth and fourteenth centuries B.C. Glass making appears to have originated in Mesopotamia and been imported into Egypt early in Dynasty 18. Egyptian artisans had been making faience, a substance related to glass, for more than a thousand years and they quickly mastered the art of glassmaking as well.
This jar was probably imported from western Asia and may have been brought to Egypt by one of the foreign wives of Thutmose III as part of her dowry. The form, which has a button-shaped base now masked by gold leaf over plaster restoration, has a long history in Mesopotamia. Fragments of glassy faience vessels with a similar variegated pattern have been found at the site of Nuzi (modern Yorgan Tepe, Iraq), which flourished in the kingdom of Mitanni during the fifteenth and fourteenth centuries B.C. Glass making appears to have originated in Mesopotamia and been imported into Egypt early in Dynasty 18. Egyptian artisans had been making faience, a substance related to glass, for more than a thousand years and they quickly mastered the art of glassmaking as well.
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