Translation of Tutu’s Hieroglyphs:
Left Vertical:
“Words said by the Osiris, Foremost of the Westerners, the Great god, who resides in Ta-sha (The
Fayum), and Sokar, who is in Ta-Sha, that (they) may give a good burial and invocation of offerings
consisting of bread, beer, oxen, and fowl and every good and pure thing to Osiris-Irtirw [Tutu],
justified, son of Pahor, justified forever.”
Right Vertical:
“Words said by Osiris, the Great God, who resides in Ta-sha and Sokar, who is in Ta-Sha, that [they,
literally he] may give a good burial to the Osiris Irtirw [Tutu], justified, son of Pahor, justified, born of
Neferseneb, justified for ever and ever.”
Middle Block text:
“Words said by Osiris, Foremost of the Westerners, the Great god who is in Ta-sha, Irtirw [Tutu], born
of Neferseneb.”
Translated by Dr. Emily Teeter
The Oriental
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Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art
Start with Art
Ancient Egypt
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