Coptic Amulet on Vellum (E 16391)
Penn Museum.
viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014
E 16531
round leather piece with a vase and other items, in color (E 16531)
Leather. Approximately 20 cm in diameter.(Kuttner, 29mr2009) That painted leather of fruit and flasks hovering over a green basket ot tongue-patterned bowl, flanked it looks like by lobby uraeus disks, have to check the odd green-legged; objets behind -- cut as amulet?! costume patch?! from a proper leather page? super cool. Book of Dead it looks like. I don't know leather remains from the burials. The vessels are painted to show they are decorated themselves with relief surfaced even painting. Love the pallette. Someday can match a bit, I am sure that chaky sea-green would turn up.
drawing with the figure of a woman
This fragment contains a drawing with the figure of a woman (Agave) in draped clothing, possibly also dancing. The figure faces to the left with its right arm bent at the elbow and its right hand placed near the figure's face. The figure's left arm extends downward, with its left hand appearing to grasp the hair on the head of a second figure (Pentheus), whose body is undetectable. The main figure also appears to be wearing something of a shawl or wrap of some sort, as the drawing shows what appear to be lines of material extending beyond the figure's torso and connecting at the figure's right and left arms. With the fragment oriented such that the bottom margin is at the feet of the main figure, the bottom and right margins appear to be broken or torn, with the left and top margins nearly intact or more regular in their preservation.
ptolemaic period
Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: Ptolemaic Period c.305-51 BC. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Private collection . Location: 37.
tomb of Ipy
A detail of a painting in the tomb of Ipy depicting fishermen casting their net. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Pharaonic. Date/Period: 19th dynasty/1295-1186BC. Place of Origin: Deir el-Medina, West Thebes. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ E.Strouhal. Location: 102.
Detail of interior of a coffin.Depiction of Osiris wearing the blue crown (khepresh) and holding the crook and flail. Osiris was associated with death, resurrection and fertility. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Pharaonic-New Kingdom. Date/Period: 21st Dynasty. Place of Origin: Western Thebes. Material Size: wood, pigments. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Egyptian Museum, Cairo . Location: 39.
Ptolemaic period
Torso of a statue of a kneeling woman, probably a copy of a bathing Aphrodite. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: Graeco-Roman. Ptolemaic period. Place of Origin: Alexandria. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Graeco-Roman Museum, Alexandria, Egypt. Location: 83.
jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014
Royal Scribe, General Kasa
Funerary statue of the Royal Scribe, General Kasa, inscribed with the text 'he Osirid Kasa, Justified, In Peace' and five lines from Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 19th dynasty, Ramesses II. Place of Origin: Saqqara. Material Size: steatite, h = 19 cm. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Sold at Christie's, 1998 . Location: 47.
Amenhotep III
Portrait head of Amenhotep III. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: New Kingdom, 1390-1352 BC. Place of Origin: 18th dynasty. Material Size: greywacke. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Christie's, London . Location: 47.
A stone shabti inscription from Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: late Middle Kingdom - Early New Kingdom. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Musess Royaux, Brussels. Location: 39.
coffin of Horankh
Mummiform coffin of Horankh, attributed to a funerary workshop at Heracleopolis Magna in the Fayum. The restrained simplicity of the style reflects the influence of much earlier Middle Kingdom coffins during the 25th Dynasty. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: Late Period,25th Dynasty,c.716-664BC. Place of Origin: Fayum. Material Size: Inlaid, gessoed and painted wood. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Dallas Museum of Art. Location: 39.
Hercules : Isola sacra
A fresco showing Hercules and a worshipper from a tomb from the Isola Sacra cemetery near Ostia. Country of Origin: Italy. Culture: Ancient Roman. Period/ Date: 2nd -3rd C AD. Place of Origin: Ostia. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Scavi di Ostia . Location: 07.
Kom el-Shuqafa
The extensive complex of burial chambers at Kom el-Shuqafa. Anubis, god of death and mummification, stands guard at the chapel entrance to protect the dead from intruders. He is dressed as a Roman legionary with spear and shield and a sun disc above his head. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Graeco-Roman. Date/Period: Roman Period, 2nd C AD. Place of Origin: Kom El-Shuqafa (Esch-Chugafa), Alexandria. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive. Location: 83.
tomb of Nekhtamun
A detail of a painting in a private tomb showing the owner and his wife seated on chairs. From the tomb of Nekhtamun. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty c.1550-1295 BC. Place of Origin: West Thebes, Deir el-Medina. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 127.
Tomb of Horemheb
Efu Ra, the dead sun is drawn in the Evening Boat through the Realms of the Night. The serpent Mehen protects him from the serpent Apep who sought to destroy him every night. This master sketch from the Tomb of Horemheb is based on the Book of the Gates. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: New Kingdom, 18th dynasty, c.1320 BC. Place of Origin: Tomb of Horemheb, Thebes. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive. Location: 90.
tomb of Nefermaat and Atet at Meidum
An example of coloured paste inlays. In the top register a boy catches birds in a trap and in the bottom register a child is playing with baboons. From the tomb of Nefermaat and Atet at Meidum. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: Old Kingdom 4th dyn.c.2613-2494BC. Place of Origin: Meidum. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen. Location: 92.
Temple of Queen Hatshepsut
Painted relief from the temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Soldiers of the expedition to Punt. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty c.1550-1295BC. Place of Origin: Deir el-Bahri, West Thebes. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 73.
ostracon: monkey
Figural Ostracon with a Monkey Climbing a Tree LACMA M.80.199.50Public Domain
Image: collections.lacma
Image: collections.lacma
UC 34013
Encontrado en la tumba de Hu, Y110. Diospolis Parva
Fabricado en hueso
UC 34013
VI dinastía
M. Petrie
Fabricado en hueso
UC 34013
VI dinastía
M. Petrie
Vessel with a letter to the dead
Vessel with a letter to the dead
Qau tomb 7695
The Letter to the Dead of Shepsi
Inside and outside of a pottery bowl for offerings
Shepsi writes to his dead parents for help in a dispute over property. He writes on the inside of the bowl to his father, with a shorter message on the outside to his mother.
(1) Shepsi speaks to his father Iinekhenmut.
(2) This is a reminder of your journey to the dungeon (?), to the place where Sen's son Hetepu was, when you brought (3) the foreleg of an ox, and when this your son came with Newaef, and when you said, Welcome, both of you. Sit and eat (4) meat! Am I to be injured in your presence, without this your son having done or said anything, by my brother ? (And yet) I was the one who buried him, I brought him from the dungeon (?), (5) I placed him among his desert tomb-dwellers, even though thirty measures of refined barley were due from him by a loan, and one bundle of garments, six measures of fine barley, (6) one ball (?) of flax, and a cup- even though I did for him what did not (need) to be done. He has done this against this your son evilly, evilly (7) - but you had said to this your son, 'All my property is vested in my son Shepsi along with my fields'. Now (8)Sher's son Henu has been taken. See, he is with you in the same city. (9) You have to go to judgement with him now, since your scribes are with (you) in the same city. (10) Can a man be joyful, when his spears are used [against his own son (??)] ?
(1) Shepsi speaks to his mother Iy.
(2) This is a reminder of the time that you said to this your son 'Bring me quails for me to eat', and when this your son brought to you (3) seven quails for you to eat. Am I to be injured in your presence, so that the children are badly discontent with this your son? (4) Who then will pour out water for you? If only you would judge between me and Sobekhotep! I brought him from another town, and placed him in his town (5) among his male and female dead, and gave him burial cloth. Why then is he acting against this your son, when I have said and done nothing, evilly, evilly? (6). Evil-doing is painful for the gods!
Gardiner/Sethe 1928: 3-5, 17-19
Qau tomb 7695
The Letter to the Dead of Shepsi
Inside and outside of a pottery bowl for offerings
Shepsi writes to his dead parents for help in a dispute over property. He writes on the inside of the bowl to his father, with a shorter message on the outside to his mother.
(1) Shepsi speaks to his father Iinekhenmut.
(2) This is a reminder of your journey to the dungeon (?), to the place where Sen's son Hetepu was, when you brought (3) the foreleg of an ox, and when this your son came with Newaef, and when you said, Welcome, both of you. Sit and eat (4) meat! Am I to be injured in your presence, without this your son having done or said anything, by my brother ? (And yet) I was the one who buried him, I brought him from the dungeon (?), (5) I placed him among his desert tomb-dwellers, even though thirty measures of refined barley were due from him by a loan, and one bundle of garments, six measures of fine barley, (6) one ball (?) of flax, and a cup- even though I did for him what did not (need) to be done. He has done this against this your son evilly, evilly (7) - but you had said to this your son, 'All my property is vested in my son Shepsi along with my fields'. Now (8)Sher's son Henu has been taken. See, he is with you in the same city. (9) You have to go to judgement with him now, since your scribes are with (you) in the same city. (10) Can a man be joyful, when his spears are used [against his own son (??)] ?
(1) Shepsi speaks to his mother Iy.
(2) This is a reminder of the time that you said to this your son 'Bring me quails for me to eat', and when this your son brought to you (3) seven quails for you to eat. Am I to be injured in your presence, so that the children are badly discontent with this your son? (4) Who then will pour out water for you? If only you would judge between me and Sobekhotep! I brought him from another town, and placed him in his town (5) among his male and female dead, and gave him burial cloth. Why then is he acting against this your son, when I have said and done nothing, evilly, evilly? (6). Evil-doing is painful for the gods!
Gardiner/Sethe 1928: 3-5, 17-19
miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014
Tell el Daba
Tumba número 5 de Tell el Daba , en el delta oriental, con la sepultura para los caballos y conteniendo cerámica tipo palestino.
(Fuente Historia Antigua nivrsal A Vázquez)
Bietak excavó en Tell el-Dana y encontró la fosa de enterramientos que tenia un total de 8 estratos. El más bajo de esos estratos estaba datado en la dinastía XII.
Encontratón alli los esqueletos que aparecian de lado y con las rodillas que estaban un poco dobladas.
En la foto tambien vemos la parte donde donde se encontraban los huesos de equinos.
(Fuente Historia Antigua nivrsal A Vázquez)
Bietak excavó en Tell el-Dana y encontró la fosa de enterramientos que tenia un total de 8 estratos. El más bajo de esos estratos estaba datado en la dinastía XII.
Encontratón alli los esqueletos que aparecian de lado y con las rodillas que estaban un poco dobladas.
En la foto tambien vemos la parte donde donde se encontraban los huesos de equinos.
martes, 28 de octubre de 2014
escena de carniceros TT60
Hola egiptomaniacos, aquí tenemos una escena de la tumba tebana TT60 de Antefoqer y de su esposa Senet.
En esta escena vemos a unos carniceros en su tienda
En esta escena vemos a unos carniceros en su tienda
sarcophagus of Tuthmosis IV
A detail of the hieroglyphic inscriptions and images of the pharaoh with Anubis, god of mummification on the sarcophagus of Tuthmosis IV. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty c.1400-1390 BC. Place of Origin: West Thebes. Material Size: Quartzite. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ E. Strouhal . Location: 124.
lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014
The Tegran tomb
The Tegran tomb. The richly decorated tombs of the Alexandrian upper classes of the Roman period are dominated by the traditional motifs of Egyptian funerary art. Shows fragmentary figures beneath a winged sun-disc. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: Roman Period, 2nd C AD. Place of Origin: Alexandria. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 83.
The sky goddess Nut devours the sun. According to the 'Books of the Day and Night' the sky goddess Nut gives birth to the sun, in the form of a scarab, in the morning and devours it in the evening. A detail of the wall paintings in the burial chamber of the tomb of Ramses IX. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 20th dynasty c.1126-1108 BC. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ E. Strouhal . Location: 116.
Statue of Queen Ahmose–Nefertari, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Ahmose, ca. 1550–1525 b.c.
Limestone; H. 11 in. (28 cm)
Rogers Fund, 1916 (16.10.224
Queen Ahmose-Nefertari was the wife of Ahmose, first king of Dynasty 18. Probably the daughter of Kamose, last king of Dynasty 17, she wielded considerable influence for almost fifty years during the reigns of her husband and her son, Amenhotep I, and survived into the reign of Thutmose I. A posthumous cult in association with her son was established soon after her death and she served as the patron of the Theban necropolis and especially of the tomb builders of Deir el-Medina.
This beautifully detailed statue of the queen portrays her in a heavy wig adorned with the vulture headdress. A uraeus had originally been carved in place of the vulture head on her brow. Her costume, with heavy wig and close-fitting dress with broad shoulder straps, and her face, which is rather round and flat, are typical of queens of the earlier Middle Kingdom.
Met Museum
Limestone; H. 11 in. (28 cm)
Rogers Fund, 1916 (16.10.224
Queen Ahmose-Nefertari was the wife of Ahmose, first king of Dynasty 18. Probably the daughter of Kamose, last king of Dynasty 17, she wielded considerable influence for almost fifty years during the reigns of her husband and her son, Amenhotep I, and survived into the reign of Thutmose I. A posthumous cult in association with her son was established soon after her death and she served as the patron of the Theban necropolis and especially of the tomb builders of Deir el-Medina.
This beautifully detailed statue of the queen portrays her in a heavy wig adorned with the vulture headdress. A uraeus had originally been carved in place of the vulture head on her brow. Her costume, with heavy wig and close-fitting dress with broad shoulder straps, and her face, which is rather round and flat, are typical of queens of the earlier Middle Kingdom.
Met Museum
Nubkheperra Intef
From the tomb of Nubkheperra Intef, Dra Abu el-Naga, Thebes,
17th Dynasty, around 1600 BC
The coffin of King Nubkheperra Intef is a fine example of a new type of
coffin that appeared in the Second Intermediate period (about 1750-1550 BC).
They are known as rishi coffins, from the Arabic word for 'feather', as the
surface of the body was decorated with a pair of vulture's wings, which
protected the mummy. Rishi coffins are anthropoid (human in form) and show the
royal nemes head-dress, whether or not they were intended for a king. 17th Dynasty, around 1600 BC
The massive proportions and large head-dress of this example are typical. The surface of the lid is gilded, with the feather details incised. The eyes are inlaid, and a uraeus and false beard were originally attached to the head. The inside of the coffin is covered with resin, in which a beetle became trapped.
The coffin, found in 1827, is reported to have been found inside a sarcophagus carved from the surrounding rock in what might have been the original tomb of the king. Recent investigation of this area of the Theban necropolis has revealed several large tombs which might be those of the kings of the Seventeenth Dynasty (about 1650-1550 BC).
C.A.R. Andrews, Egyptian mummies (London, The British Museum Press, 1984)
I. Shaw and P. Nicholson (eds.), British Museum dictionary of A (London, The British Museum Press, 1995)
S. Quirke and A.J. Spencer, The British Museum book of anc (London, The British Museum Press, 1992
Sarcophagus of Eshmunazar II
Sarcophagus of Eshmunazar II
This carved basalt anthropoid sarcophagus, discovered in Sidon in 1855 during the Pérétié excavations, was carved for Eshmunazar II, the king of Sidon. and dates to about the beginning of the fifth century BC. The striking design, where only the head is carved in relief, is clearly influenced by Egyptian design but has a 22-line Phoenician inscription carved on the shroud
The tomb of Ankhtifi at Mo'alla
The agricultural scenes, ranging from the preparation of the land to the ensilage of grain, are dispersed on different walls. Here, the scene is reduced to a parade of twelve donkeys (seven remain visible) loaded with sheaves, without any report with the rest of the decoration. The preparation of the ground is represented on the pillar 19. The other scenes of the harvest were without doubt grouped on the south half of the wall, where is found the traces of a second agricultural scene. With regard to the receipt of grain, it occupies the greater part of the northern wall.
The donkeys are grey with the white belly, white chest and black mane. They follow each other wisely by holding the head very straight. They are responsible, as always in this kind of scenes, a mesh bag filled with sheaves. Here, the shape of the bags is that of a cylinder tightened in its middle; in reality, the narrow tightened part rested on the back of the donkey and the two cones, whose weight was balanced, hanging down on each side. This vertical projection is well into the habits of Egyptian draftsmen.
The tomb of Ankhtifi
at Mo'alla
The donkeys are grey with the white belly, white chest and black mane. They follow each other wisely by holding the head very straight. They are responsible, as always in this kind of scenes, a mesh bag filled with sheaves. Here, the shape of the bags is that of a cylinder tightened in its middle; in reality, the narrow tightened part rested on the back of the donkey and the two cones, whose weight was balanced, hanging down on each side. This vertical projection is well into the habits of Egyptian draftsmen.
The tomb of Ankhtifi
domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014
head of cat coffin
Head of cat coffin
Period: Late Period–Ptolemaic Period
Date: 664–30 B.C.
Geography: From Egypt
Medium: Bronze
Dimensions: H: 12 cm (4 3/4 in.)
Credit Line: Gift of Mary Prindivile, in memory of Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan, 1940
Accession Number: 40.5
Coffin for a mummified cat
From Bubastis, Egypt
Roman Period, after 30 BC
Two main species of cats are known from ancient Egypt, the swamp or jungle
cat (Felis chaus) and the African wild cat (Felis silvestris
libyca). Mummies of both species were made during the first millennium BC,
though the majority of examples identified so far have been African wild
cats.Roman Period, after 30 BC
The cat was closely associated with the goddess Bastet and many mummified examples have been found in cemeteries at Bubastis in the Delta, the goddess' main cult centre. The mummies were sometimes placed inside coffins made of wood or bronze. Their shape reproduces the external appearance of the cat squatting on its haunches. This example has a green-painted head and a white body.
C.A.R. Andrews, Egyptian mummies (London, The British Museum Press, 1984)
Samos to the sanctuary of Hera
In situ reconstruction of the 'Geneleos Group', situated on the north end of the Sacred Road, the road leading from the town of Samos to the sanctuary of Hera. The statues were a votive offering to the Heraion and consists of six figures (five female and one reclining male). Country of Origin: Greece. Culture: Greek. Date/Period: 560-540 BC. Place of Origin: Samos. Credit Line: Werner forman Archive/ N.J. Saunders. Location: 19.
detail of a painting
A detail of a painting in a private tomb showing the owner and his wife seated on chairs. From the tomb of Nekhtamun. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty c.1550-1295 BC. Place of Origin: West Thebes, Deir el-Medina. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 127.
sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014
vizier Pta'h-hotep
An uninscribed false-door in the tomb of the vizier Pta'h-hotep at Saqqara painted with a decorative 'mat' pattern. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 5th dynasty c.2494-2345BC. Place of Origin: Saqqara. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 64.
A painted relief from the tomb of Nefer.Middle register: Dancers Lower register: Fighting boatsmen enact war-games. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 5th dynasty c.2494-2345 BC. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/c. E. Strouhal . Location: 60.
A detail of a painting from the tomb of Nakht. Bearers bring geese and fish to an offering table piled high with a variety of foods. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty c.1421-1413BC. Place of Origin: Tomb no.52, West Thebes. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.
A detail of a painting from the tomb of Nakht depicting the plucking and dressing of poultry after a hunt. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty c.1421-1413BC. Place of Origin: Tomb no.52, West Thebes. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 107.
A detail of a painting from the tomb of Nakht depicting the plucking and dressing of poultry after a hunt. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty c.1421-1413BC. Place of Origin: Tomb no.52, West Thebes. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 107.
Detail of a painting from the tomb of Ity. Domesticated antelopes are feeding. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 1st Intermediate /c.2181-2040BC. Place of Origin: Gebelein. Material Size: Painting on limestone. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Egyptian Museum, Turin . Location: 94.
woman wearing a wig
A detail of a painting in a private tomb depicting a woman wearing a wig and a headband. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty c.1550-1295 BC. Place of Origin: West Thebes. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 127.
papyrus and lotus
Detail of a tomb painting showing gathering of papyrus and lotus. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty c.1550-1295 BC. Place of Origin: West Thebes. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 127
Painting from the tomb of Scribe Menna. A girl pulls a thorn from her friend's sole at harvest time. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: New Kingdom, 1400-1390 BC. Place of Origin: West Thebes. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 105.
Tomb No.74
Tomb painting. Tomb No.74 Thebes. Depiction of Nubian mercenaries, from the tomb of the commander Thanuny. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty c.1420 BC. Place of Origin: Tomb of Thanuny,Thebes. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 127.
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