sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016


The stools of the sons are painted white; the disposition of the struts of these seats form an on-going motif in Egyptian furniture and the links which tie the different elements are minutely detailed.
Before the first character, one reads "his son Amen-iunu(...), before the third "his son Nebma'at, just of voice", before the last "his son Ay, j(ust of voice)". The effigies of the first and second son are mutilated very severely. Their representation is based on the one of their father. All have a naked torso and wear a short loincloth with a triangular front-piece, a green collar and a short round wig. In their left hand closed on the chest, a piece of bent material.
A servant, clothed only in a simple loincloth and a short wig, stretches out to the first son (the eldest) possibly a cup. Behind him four tall, very round, earthenware jars of a lilac hue and with red and black decor, closed by an upturned white cup, as well as a smaller rose coloured vase with a flat-bottom from which he draws the drink that he offers
Notice that, for lack of place, these jars are not on the same level as the characters and that they rest on a papyrus mat
TOMB 340 was discovered by Bernard Bruyère in 1925. It is a tiny vault located below a courtyard and which one reaches by some steps.

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