sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

KV 43 Thutmosis IV

On the east wall, from left to right, is found king Thutmosis IV facing, successively, various divinities, who stretch toward his nostrils the ankh-sign of life, with a short text to identify the divinity :
- in front of Osiris-Khentyamentiu (= Osiris who rules the Westerners – which is to say the dead
- in front of Osiris, Lord of Abydos view CM60.
- in front of Anubis, the Great God, Lord of the Sacred Land
 - in front of Hathor, Lady of the Western Desert .
- in front of Hathor, Mistress of the Western Desert .
- in front of Hathor, Lady of the Western Hill


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