sábado, 9 de enero de 2016

Mastaba D64 : the decorated areas belonging to Ptahhotep

Ptahhotep - "Ptah is satisfied" - is an anthroponym formed from the name of the god Ptah, head of the Memphite region and its necropolis. This name was carried by several high officials of the Vth Dynasty, who mostly reached the position of vizier, making of them the most important characters in Egypt, after the king. Ptahhotep shares with his father Akhethotep, who was also a vizier, - a double mastaba, of which he occupies only a modest part. Was he himself a vizier ? Even though the title doesn't appear positively in his chapel, it nevertheless appears on his sarcophagus.

Mastaba D64 : the decorated areas belonging to Ptahhotep

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