and its rock-cut chapel, G7530sub
Meresankh III
She is designated as "The beholder of Horus and Seth, daughter of the king, greatly praised, wife of the king, Meresankh". She wears a large tripartite wig and a tight-fitting dress with supporting straps, but no jewelry. Her right hand hangs down her side, whilst the left is held across her chest.
In front of her, the "funerary priest, Rery" pushes a hyena . It is perplexing to think of the use that the Egyptians made of this smelly animal, because it is difficult to think that they may have even eaten some of it. Beneath, a man pulls a male oryx .
Behind the image of the queen are two women, one above the other. The upper one holds a chest on her head. The other approaches holding in one hand a large fan or sunshade, which also rests on her shoulder, and in the other she holds a smaller fan
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