Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
Behind the male servants is almost certainly his wife, although she is not identified in the text above her. She is accompanied by two other similarly dressed females. All three wear a black wig, on top of which is placed a cone of ointment and an open lotus blossom; the wife's cone is also decorated with a ring of beads. The wigs are held in place by a coloured band, the wife has another band lower down and protruding in front of it is a silver earring. In front of the wife, standing facing her, is a small male presenting to her a basket of offerings. Whilst, at the side of the three women stands a young naked girl. The women have their hands raised and are probably chanting the applause to the king's generosity in proving all these gifts, some of which a placed on a table in front of the wife. This chant is quoted in the text above: "[Great is] the wealth of he who recognises those given by Amon to make glad his heart, Pharaoh, the lord of Egypt. You shall give wealth to generations yet unborn, 0 Pharaoh, lord of every one of us". In front of the raised arms of the wife, the artist represented a small structural pedestal with gold necklaces (see the image above and the line drawing detail). The scene actually looks like one of reward, in the same spirit as the ceremony where the applicant receives the gold of honour from the king, even the chariot awaiting the master is there. Behind Userhat's wife, the two women hold a round red object, but it is uncertain what it might be.
techo de la tumba
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