Watetkhethor and her son, at the right-hand side of the wall, once more stand facing the entrance from chamber B1. She wears her usual tight dress with the two broad shoulder straps, the broad necklace, bracelets and anklets, A long ribbon hangs from her hair, but her hairstyle is still unknown. With her left hand she holds a lotus flower to her nostrils.
Meryteti again holds a hoopoe bird in one hand and a lotus flower in the other, his identifying text never appears to vary and is the same as in chamber B1. This time, however, he isn't naked but wears a projecting kilt, but he does have the same hairstyle of a plait and disc
The mastaba tomb of Watetkhethor is part of the total Mereruka mastaba complex. It is situated in the north-east sector of the necropolis of Saqqara, not far from the edge of the plateau, just to the north of the pyramid of Teti, the first pharaoh/king of 6th Dynasty. During this period power of the pharaohs was declining as can be seen in the comparatively small size and poor construction of their pyramids. However, increasing power attained by the large aristocratic families became apparent in the size and quality of the decoration of their mastabas
At the eastern end of this wall is the entrance from chamber B3.
The tomb owner and her son, standing at the west end, face left, towards the entry. Three narrow registers, wide enough to only hold the representation of a single offering bearer in each, have survived in front of them.
The representation of Watetkhethor has survived only to waist height. Meryteti/Mery, who is once again naked, hold only a lotus flower in his right hand. What remains of his identifying text is in two columns above him. Separating the couple from the registers of offering bearers is the remaining part of the column of the now standard text describing the scene: '... the ka-servants of her funerary estate, so that invocation offerings may come to her from there'
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