domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Vignette from Spell 72

Vignette from Spell 72 of the
Book of the Dead of Ramose
Spell 72 is one of several spells which are ‘for going out in the day’. The small picture, which accompanies the spell, shows Ramose walking away from his tomb. The white colour of the tomb structure represents the limestone cliffs into which tombs were often cut. The pink colour, with red stippling, indicates the sands of the desert. A small pyramid is shown over the top of the tomb, and there is growing evidence tha...t tombs of this period (the Ramesside Period) often had a small pyramid-shaped superstructure.…/p…/bod/bodspells.72.1.HTML
Spell for going out in the day: recitation by the Osiris, supervisor of archivists of the Lord of the Two Lands, Ramose, justified, after opening the tomb. He says: 'Hail to you, possessors of right souls, without falsehood, who exist for always in the borders of eternity. Open up to me! Having been an akh-spirit in form, ...

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