domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016


This represents an interesting scene, but alas it is incomplete. The scenes showing the deceased being carried in a chair don't appear before the reign of Niuserra (see bibliography - on page 8: A.M. Roth), 5th Dynasty. Then they become canonical in Memphite cemeteries throughout the beginning of the 6th Dynasty. These objects of luxury, as well as the disproportionate number of porters, served to show the wealth and social status of the deceased. But it was also a metaphor f...or the funerary procession, which, at this time, was not represented. The living person is shown being carried in his chair just as the deceased would have been carried in his coffin. It was a magical means to insure that the deceased would benefit from a funerary ceremony in reality.
In the case of Ty, there are ten men, but there may be twenty, because each could represent two. Each is bare-footed, and clothed with a simple belt whose flaps fall downwards in order to hide his sexuality. Each has one of the supporting poles of the palanquin on his shoulder. The palanquin is formed as a square, but open, box. It extends upwards extensively into the adjacent register. Traces of the seated character can still be observed, knees folded towards his chin. Clearly, the second (upper) register included porters of goods, of which only the legs have remained visible.
Under the palanquin, a man (shown at much smaller scale) leads a monkey with the help of a leash, and behind this is a hound, its tailed tightly curled and its neck decorated with a ribbon. These probably represent the two pet animals of Ty, and the importance which he attached to them is best seen in their size in relation to the small man who guides them

Ty mastaba

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