viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

Silouette female figurine

Silouette female figurine
The flat silhouette statuette is a conventional image of a woman rendering the contours of the body in a stylised manner. The head is rendered as a rectangle to which hair made of grain might be attached; the nipples are marked by black dots; the abdomen below the waist is decorated by a pattern of coloured triangles, the pubic area is covered by black dots. The woman wears an amulet on her neck, a necklace on her breast, bracelets on her wrists and a band on her waist. The body is painted ochre, the amulette and the necklace are red, the triangle pattern is red, brown and black. Such statuettes had a magic significance and were placed into the tombs of predecessors in order to heal the female infertility.

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